How Can Capping Machines Benefit Your Business?

2021-12-25 08:39:51 By : Mr. Tony Sun

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Every business that deals with liquid products needs some liquid filling and packaging solutions. Applying a lid or cap to the containers or bottles is one of the many procedures that are part of the entire process. Bottle capping machines come with several benefits, from increased speed to reduced errors.

  That said, the market is flooded with different bottle cap machines. Hence choosing the right one for your business can be a bit daunting. To boost productivity and avoid unnecessary inconveniences, it’s always best to do your research. 

  So before we look at the benefits of capping machines and why you need one for your business, let’s first understand the different types available.

  Different industries produce different products for various uses. The liquid composition always varies, and so do their packaging needs. Capping machinery in the market fall under different categories. These machines can also be categorized into different classes. For example, machines that do the actual capping, and those that sort the caps and cap elevators.

Cap elevators increase the efficiency of automatic cappers and are part of the cap feeding system. On the other hand, cap sorters choose the right caps for the right bottle design and size. As far as actual capping machines are concerned, here are some of the common types.

  Now that you know the different types of capping machines, let’s see why they are essential. In today’s fast-paced business environment , automating manufacturing processes comes with lots of benefits. Here is why you would want to use a capping machine instead of capping manually.

  Bottle capping machines bring some speed and accuracy into the packaging process. They allow you to automate the capping process making sure each lid snaps right into place. By increasing the rate of capping the bottles, you boost production. This directly impacts the output, allowing you to meet and even beat the market demand.  

  Manual handling of products is prone to human errors. Repetitive motions of sorting caps and snapping them into place is tedious and cumbersome. The people doing the job will feel tired and wasted at some point. This creates room for errors, some of which may be pretty costly for the company.

  Another benefit of capping machines as far as quality is concerned is that they reduce contamination. Most automatic bottle cap machines are designed to operate without human intervention. That way, there are minimal chances of the cap getting contaminated.

  As a business owner, investing in a capping machine is a worthwhile decision. The starting capital, from acquisition to setting up necessary structures, can be costly. However, you will enjoy a return on investment sooner. The reason for this is that manual capping isn’t only expensive but also unsustainable. Paying twenty people to do a physically taxing job isn’t as productive as investing in one automated machine. Plus, you’ll free people from manual work and get them to do more important tasks.  

  Most fully automatic capping machines are designed with some level of versatility. That means you can easily switch between various container and cap specifications. For example, you may need to change over some parts to allow for cork or screw-on closures. Other machines are easily customizable with a simple touch of a button. 

  Apart from flexible operations, capping machines are highly consistent. Manual capping is subject to issues such as under or over-tightening of caps. Humans are also more likely to have some emergencies or other factors that could affect the production rate. On the other hand, machines are highly reliable, and you can adjust the output based on supply and demand.  

Packaging your products doesn’t have to be tedious and time-consuming when you can use an automatic capping machine. The best bottle capper for your application depends on several factors. These include the production rate, container types, your budget, product type, and your industry.

  A rule of thumb is to understand these factors before going into the market. That way, you’ll avoid picking the wrong machine. For example, a semi-automated capping machine that won’t get the entire job done. Or even worse, a cosmetic capping machine for your food production business, etc. 

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